Friday 21 August 2015

Oulun Taiteiden Yö, Oulu art night in Everwhatgallery

 What an exciting day, art everywhere in Oulu.

In front of Everwhatgallery, our artists, Niko-Petteri Niva, Niels Leenders, Jussi Pylkäs,Jenna Kemilä were drawing on the street with chalks.

The first performer Surasit played his rough sounded guitar with singing

After his performance ended, everyone went outside to see KEKSI Kollektiiv's street dance inspired by jungle. Everyone stopped and enjoyed the moment with Keksis. 

People stayed to listen Julian Owusu's spoken word with poems.

 The last performance was Rites for the Digital Shaman by Tanja Råman and John Collingswood.

"The Digital Shaman emerges into an underground cave in central Oulu. Fusing contemporary dance with responsive projection and a live generated soundtrack, TaikaBox creates a unique and powerful experience, shifting ancient energy into the digital age. This performance installation is part of an ongoing research project into ancient mysticism and improvised ritual enhanced with cutting-edge technology, and will be broadcast live via Periscope. See for more details."

For one hour, it continued.
The smoke kept spewing and mysterious music repeated with her dance.
Yes, It really looked some kind of ritual, which was hard to know.
But the light behind, was beautiful with windblown leaves in the forest background. 
For this one hour, I don't know where I was. 
Tanja, dressed up like an animal, was dancing for rites. Slowly and repeatedly.
One point, the forest light disappeared and the digital age came. 
The music also changed, with more mechanical sound. 
It was another kind of beauty, different from the nature, but still beautiful. 
The hundreds of beams lightened the dancer, and an indescribable scene was made.
As the one appreciator said, it was really "mahtava"
I don't really know how to explain,
but my one hour passed with strange feeling that I have never experienced.

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